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[:en] General presentation There are 300 species of leeches known in 4 orders. Lipid Hirudo medicinalis is part of the Hirudinea Class, the order of Gnathobdellida. It is an amphibious animal of small or medium size, needing for its life and land and water, living...
[:en]Activity [:]

[:en]Activity [:]

[:en]The growth and reproduction of medicinal leeches is an activity that requires specialized documentation of this invertebrate from a biological point of view and the conditions in the natural environment in which it normally develops so that in captivity similar...
[:en]Veronica Burga[:]

[:en]Veronica Burga[:]

[:en]”HIRUDOVER” SRL is a company specialized in the growth and reproduction of medicinal leeches (Hirudo medicinalis) in captivity, in a controlled environment destined for Hirudotherapy. The firm is located in the town of Codllea, Brasov county. The bio...